Latest News.... . The SDTTL AGM will be held on Thursday18th July 2024 @ 19:30 at Crusaders Hall, Stanley Park Road, Wallington. +++ All welcome.. +++ +++ Latest News.... PLEASE NOTE HANDBOOK 22-23 Has been UPDATED 10/10/2022 Log in to Download. Latest News.... . +++ +++ Latest News.... . ALL Latest RESULTS & INFORMATION NOW AVAILABLE ON NEW TTLEAGUES Website, +++ Latest News.... . +++ +++ Latest News.... . H/C Cup draw latest now published +++ Latest News.... . +++ +++ Latest News.... . Players should check the TT England website re any latest covid guidance, +++ Latest News.... .

Sutton & District Table Tennis League Handicap Cup Draw 2022 - 2023 season UPDATED 29/01/2023

Handicap Cup - QTR Final Draw W/C 06 February 2023

Date Home Team V Away Team
Mon 06 February 2023 Woodmansterne v Eldon B
Tue 07 February 2023 Rosehill B v Crusaders A
Wed 08 February 2023 Rosehill C v Ballards A
Thu 09 February 2023 St Pauls  v Eldon C

Handicap ratings for qtr final Download Handicap Cup Ratings qtr Final.

Please send results to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. within 48hrs of match.

First round W/C 28 November 2022 Matches to be played on dates stated unless otherwise mutually agreed. First team is home team.

Handicap ratings will be posted here prior to the first round being played.

Please send results to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. within 24hrs of match.

Date Home Team v Away Team
Mon 28 Nov 2022 Ballards A  v Eldon A
Mon 28 Nov 2022 Woodmansterne  v Ballards B
Tue 29 Nov 2022 Rosehill E v St Pauls
Wed 30 Nov 2022 Rosehill D v Rosehill B
Wed 30 Nov 2022 Crusaders A v Crusaders B
Wed 30 Nov 2022 Rosehill C v Rosehill A
Thu 01 Dec 2022 Eldon B v Crusaders C
Thu 01 Dec 2022 Eldon C v Eldon D

All handicap cup matches are best of 3 games, 21-up.  If 20-20, the next point wins the game.

Please use the Quick Calculator table below to work out the handicap.

For example, if a player rated ‘17’ plays against a player rated ’2’, the difference is 15, which gives the ‘17’ rated player a 12 point start in each game up to 21. For example, if Player ‘A’ has a rating of ‘17’ Player ‘B’ has a rating of ‘2’ the difference between Player ‘A’ rated 17 & Player rated ‘B’ 2 is 15 so we Look down the ‘Difference in Ratings’ column in the table above & find the rating of 15 in the table, which would give the handicap of 12points start per game

0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10-11 10
12-13 11
14-15 12
16-17 13
18-20 14
21-23 15
24-26 16
27-30 17
31-34 18

Rules for Cup Competitions
20.  The Cup Competitions are open to Clubs and players registered with the League. The players must have played in one league match prior to playing in the Handicap Cup Competition.

21.  A player may not play for a lower Club Cup team than the one for which they are first registered in the League. This rule does not apply to the Handicap Cup.

22.   When a player, plays one match in the Cup Competition, the player becomes “Cup-Tied” to the team that they played for. They may not play for any other Club team in that Cup Competition. Note:  The Knock Out Cup and Handicap Cup are considered separate cup competitions, you are not automatically cup tied in both competitions.   It is the responsibility of the Team Captain to check that the player is not “Cup-Tied”. If a “Cup- Tied” player plays for a different team, their games are void and their points will be awarded to the opposing team.

23.  Teams shall consist of three players.

24.  Matches shall consist of nine sets. Each set shall be the best of a) five games up to 11 points for the Knockout Cup or b) three games up to 21 points for the Handicap Cup. All matches must be played to a finish, unless otherwise agreed between the Team Captains. If a game goes to deuce players serve alternately until one player has two clear points. In the Handicap Competition, if the match goes to the third game, the players change ends when either player first reaches half the number of points he/she is required to score. In the case of an odd number it will be the number after the halfway point.

25.   Cup draws for each round shall be made by the Committee. The first name out shall be the home side. 26.   Handicap Cup - Ratings: Every player will be given a rating based upon the ratings system currently approved by the committee, which, may be adjusted during the season. The up to date ratings will be made available to clubs before each round.

27.   All matches must be played in the weeks specified. Matches cannot be postponed because of  non-availability of players. If a club believes it needs to postpone a match for a reason except non-availability of players it must notify the opposition and the appropriate Cup Secretary, who will give a ruling on whether the match can be postponed.

28.  Semi Finals and Finals matches: All players playing in the semi-finals and finals must have played in at least one third of available League and Cup matches for the team(s) for which they are playing in the Sutton and District Table Tennis League, and at least one Cup match prior to the semi-final. Note:   You must play in one Knock Out Cup game to be eligible for the Knock Out Cup and one Handicap Cup game to be eligible for the Handicap Cup, as well as playing in at least one third of available League and Cup matches. For example, if there are 14 League and Cup matches available a person must have played in at least 4. The requirement is rounded down.  

It is the responsibility of the Team Captain to check that all of their players meet this requirement.  

A team not able to field a team of three may turn up with one or two players and those games will be allowed to count.